“But I can drink…”

My good friend, Annie, had a baby boy last night.  Despite being 7 weeks early, mom and baby are doing fantastic.  Annie is such a strong woman.

I sat on the edge of her hospital bed this morning, enjoying our time together, but in the back of my mind, trying to cheer her up (it will be a rough few weeks as Elliott spends his days growing big and strong in the NICU).  In all of our usual ridiculousness, Annie and I came up with “good” reasons associated with having had a shortened pregnancy.

1.  Less weight gain – Annie is beautiful!!!  And looked amazing throughout her entire pregnancy, although I take half the credit because I did go walking and/or hiking with her almost every week of the pregnancy.  But, there is something to say for having 7 less weeks of weight gain and starting early on the the post-pregnancy weight loss program!  I already promised her that 2 weeks post c-section, I’d be rounding her up for a short hike.

2.  She can finally drink!  Just a few weeks after she found out she was pregnant, Annie and I went for a girls weekend away and I was left all by myself to enjoy libations.  It is not fun drinking alone (although that didn’t stop me tonight as I sit here typing with a *plastic cup* of red wine is sitting next to my keyboard).

At this point – our handsome and charming OB-GYN walked in the room, so we had to end our conversation so she could have her exam (*insert jealousy here*). This list got me thinking though….

Are there perks to NOT being pregnant?


So, to all my pregnant (or recently pregnant) friends out there (and there are TONS)….enjoy it.  Before you know it, it will be over.

When it’s over, and you have a bouncing baby on your lap, we can enjoy life again together 🙂

I love you, Annie!!!!  Hang in there my friend – you are so strong!